Great Harvest is Charlotte’s All-Natural, Whole-Grain bakery. We specialize in making heart-healthy whole grain products that taste terrific. Great Harvest has a stone-mill located right in our bakery. We buy non-GMO wheat berries directly from family farmers in Montana, where the best wheat in the world is grown, We grind that wheat fresh everyday & use it within 24-48 hours to make our products. Everything at Great Harvest is hand-made from scratch by our crews right in our bakery, including our breads, rolls, cookies, muffins, teacakes, scuffins (a scone-muffin cross), bars, mixes & snack like granola and trail mixes. We make it easy to feed your family healthy, nutritious products because the products taste great & have a really long shelf life, in spite of the fact we never use any preservatives, dough conditioners, emulsifiers or high fructose corn syrup in our products. We hire enthusiastic, passionate people (including many from the local culinary schools) and train/mentor them in the art & science of hand-made bakery production. The skills they learn allow them to become great bakers and good teammates, proficient in numerous skills. We have even had a number of our crew members go off and start their own business after working with us. Great Harvest is also very committed to our community, participating & sponsoring many charitable events that benefit a wide variety of non-profit organizations.
Established in 2002.
Janet and Jeff Ganoung, both long-time food scientists have always had a passion for making great tasting products that were also healthy. They quit their corporate jobs in 2002 and moved to Charlotte to open the Kings Drive Great Harvest bakery (Myers Park/Dilworth neighborhood). After establishing the bakery as Charlotte Whole-Grain Headquarters, they opened a second location (Rea Road, in the Piper Glen neighborhood) in 2008. Their products can also be found at several Farmers Markets, most especially the North Carolina Farmers Market on Yorkmont Rd from 8am-2pm on Saturday as well as the Cotswold Farmers Market from 8am-12pm.Ничего не найдено
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901 S Kings Dr #140B
North Carolina
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North Carolina
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: 8:00 дп - 4:00 пп
8:00 дп - 4:00 пп
8:00 дп - 4:00 пп
8:00 дп - 4:00 пп
8:00 дп - 4:00 пп
8:00 дп - 4:00 пп
8:00 дп - 4:00 пп