Profil Photos Carte自家種植茭白筍已逾40年,茭白筍產於山明水秀的埔里,喝著清澈清涼的山泉水長大,自家也種植很多蔬菜水果,現今食安問題吵的沸沸揚揚,小農們辛辛苦苦栽種的蔬菜水果有時產量過多,就 No Records FoundSorry, no records were found. Please adjust your search criteria and try again. Google Map Not LoadedSorry, unable to load Google Maps API. Driving Walking Bicycling Public Transport Miles Kilometers No. 30 South District Taichung City 402 Taiwan Get Directions Recherchez des entreprises à proximitéTrouver