Pure Artisan Honeys Whipped Honeys: Cinnamon Cocoa Lavendar Lemon Zest Pumpkin Spice Infused Honey: Bourbon Infused Vanilla Infused Arbol Chili Pepper Chipotle Pepper Gourmet Honey Spreads: Ghost Pepper Power Seed Salted Traditional Honeys: Wildflower Tupelo Sourwood Orange Blossom Honey Comb
Established in 2010.
Cloister Honey was created by husband and wife duo, Randall York and Joanne de la Rionda. With the pressures of working in the financial industry weighing heavy on her husband’s shoulders, in December of 2008, Joanne decided to get her husband something relaxing and fun for Christmas. She stumbled across Brushy Mountain Bee Farm’s beekeeping class taught by the Mecklenburg County Bee Keepers Association. She bought two hives and signed her husband up. In the beginning, they just kept the bees and gave the honey away. But soon, Randall’s new hobby took flight. They had hundreds of pounds (a lot more than you can give away in tiny four-ounce jars). So they started taking honey to festivals and farmers markets to sell. But of course, competition came along. And with that, Joanne and Randall decided they would have to come up with a way to really set their honey apart from the rest. Artisan crafted honey infusions and spreads were their solution.Joanne R.
Business Owner
Cloister Honey was created by husband and wife duo, Randall York and Joanne de la Rionda.With the pressures of working in the financial industry weighing heavy on her husband’s shoulders, in December of 2008, Joanne decided to get her husband something relaxing and fun for Christmas. She decided that 2 beehives and a beekeeping class was just what he needed.
Soon enough, they had more honey than they could give away to friends and family and so the two decided to establish Cloister Honey to bring pure gourmet honey to customers everywhere.
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5141 Randolph Rd
North Carolina
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North Carolina
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: Cerrado
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
8:30 am - 4:00 pm