Specialty food with video chat in Santa Cruz

videea is the smartest way to shop safely, in just 3 easy steps:

Find a shop and start a video call

See, talk, be served as in presence

Choose curbside pickup or delivery

    • santa cruz salmon jerky santa cruz 3 1

    Santa Cruz Salmon Jerky

    • food bin santa cruz 3 768x535

    Food Bin

    • herb room santa cruz 1 768x768

    Herb Room

    • staff of life santa cruz 2 768x576

    Staff of Life

    • mutari chocolate santa cruz 2

    Mutari Chocolate

    • the true olive connection santa cruz 768x576

    The True Olive Connection

    • shoppers corner santa cruz 3 2 768x576

    Shoppers Corner

    • central coast creamery santa cruz 768x768

    Central Coast Creamery